A bridge over a body of water surrounded by trees

Since its establishment in 2013, Argo has brought solutions and innovation, delivering a highly targeted risk-based investment approach, with billions invested in high quality, essential infrastructure businesses


Managed assets



Billion in AUM



Headquartered in New York City, Argo has extensive operational and financial experience managing diversified infrastructure assets such as regulated utilities, contracted energy assets, digital-infra, renewables (Solar and Hydro) as well as transportation assets and businesses. We are dedicated to the good stewardship of our managed assets over their long investment horizons. Argo’s investment philosophy aims to couple sound investment return with responsible and sustainable investing.

Argo manages over US$6 billion of capital on behalf of our institutional investor partners.

Our managed assets include multiple contracted power generation assets, five utilities, two electric transmission systems and one energy storage network.

Our 18-asset portfolio includes:

  • 3 energy utilities serving over 600,000 U.S. customers
  • 2 gigawatts of power generation, including Hydro and Solar
  • 1 gigawatt of electric transmission and energy storage